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How Education May Progress After Closures (written June 2020)

I wrote this piece in the middle of May. It all seemed rather obvious to me and now, four weeks later, it is beginning to come true. Children, when they return to primary schools will all be at different stages and, in any case, may be attending for shortened times. I'm guessing that history and geography may suffer, not unnaturally as those brilliant teachers struggle to bring all their children to the same level.

Latest reports from the National Foundation for Educational Research indicate that 90% of teachers say their pupils are doing less or much less work now. Head teachers say 33% of pupils across the board are doing no work and there is an obvious problem with 25% of pupils who have no internet access and schools are having to send out learning activities or suggest videos to watch.

In summary:- it will be well into the next academic year before pupils are taught en masse and when pupils do return, in whatever format, they will all be at different levels. Teachers will not only have to cope with bringing pupils up to where they should be but also to find work to do for those who have been able to progress at home.

Almost all experts agree that it is those from disadvantaged areas of society who have suffered the most so it is those who will need the most help and guidance within a school situation.

That is where our site fits in. We have material on the site in both history and geography that a teacher can use to keep his/her more knowledgeable pupils amused without them advancing even further ahead of those that are less able or who have been less able to learn during lock down. We have a vast number of projects that can be done too and, if the school will follow our advice and set up a part of the school website to host these projects, the pupils will feel a sense of achievement and indeed public/parental recognition. There is also nothing to stop the less advanced ones from joining in with these activities. Break