This section is probably best suited for our older followers, even maybe some adults.
Listen, then read on.
We believe, as the song says, that music, usually with words but sometimes without, can paint all sorts of pictures in your mind. During 2025
we will upload, through this page, a selection of music that means something to us and later to you.
Once the section starts on Friday 3rd January 2025 we will have fourteen weekly choices from Richard. From April 11th, we will
have fourteen weekly choices from Molly. From July 18th 2025 we are opening the section up to you and you can read what you need to do
There will no videos, no pictures, just the music. In most cases we will upload late on a Friday evening. We would suggest you try
listening in the dark or with your eyes closed so you have few distractions. Listen and think.
Each upload will be accompanied by a short piece of text telling you what the music means to the person who chose it. Once you've
listened you can decide if it means the same to you.
We look forward to hearing your choices, we do hope you'll have a go. This section could continue for as long as you keep
sending in your songs. If you can keep going for a few years. Lola has promised to give us her choices.