We explain, in the instructions for each project, how schools
should display their finished work.
If you are doing the project as part of your home education through Owlbut's School of the Air then that part of our site tells you
what you can do when you finish each project.
If you click here you can read some comments made by pupils who did one of Richard's projects.
They seem to have enjoyed things, so why don't you have a go. If you're a teacher, it would be nice to have your pupils enjoying their work that much.
Click an icon to find out more.
Write a little poem about a place in England and see it on our site
Write a limerick for a place in any of the counties or metropolitan boroughs on our English counties page.
A project where your song could be on our site
Write us a song, in any genre, record it, in any format, and send it to us. The best 20 will be on our site.
Your drawing could appear on a story in our Times Past section.
A chance to have your illustration of one of the stories in our Times Past section included on our website.
Other more general projects.
Just a few ideas on something you could draw or paint. We even tell you how to draw Owlbut.
A set of projects for our younger followers, say those aged 5-7. Take a look and have a go.
A set of projects for our older followers, say those aged 8 and over. Do any of them interest you?
This set of projects is written to be done in a group situation, most likely within a class or classes in a school.