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If you click here you will find a list of towns, cities, villages or places in England. They are in the order we have "visited" them on our virtual journey through the English counties. We want you to write us a funny limerick which must contain the place name we have given you. You will also need to draw a little picture to go with your limerick.


•Open to anyone in the world.
•If you are under 18 years of age, you must have permission from your parent or guardian to enter.
•Write your limerick in the correct format; it should be a 5-line poem where the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other and the third and fourth lines rhyme with each other. Also, the first, second, and fifth lines must have 8-9 syllables and the third and fourth lines must have 5-6 syllables. You can have a look at examples below to see the form a limerick should take.
•Draw a picture to go with your limerick.
•This is an on-going competition. You need to send us your limerick for a particular area at least seven days before we upload any info for that area. That date is shown on the individual county pages but you can start to send in your limericks now, especially for the places that are first on our list. When we upload the page relating to an area we will also upload the three chosen limericks.

Trophy Prize:

While we are in an area we will look at all limericks received for that place and we will select one limerick as a winner and two runners-up. These three limericks will then be added to our website page. The winner and runners-up will also receive a certificate!

How to enter:

Email Send both your limerick and your drawing to and don’t forget to include your name and your grown up’s contact details. You can only send in one limerick for each place but you can enter for as many different weeks and places as you like.

You can send in your limerick as soon as you want but obviously before the appropriate deadline.

Example Limericks:

Edward Lear, read a bit more about him here, wrote this limerick:

There was an Old Lady of Chertsey,
Who made a remarkable curtsey;
She twirled round and round,
Till she sunk underground,
Which distressed all the people of Chertsey.

Richard wrote this limerick:

An old man from Sevenoaks in Kent,
Was remarkably twisted and bent.
He was gnarled as an oak,
And he spat when he spoke,
And was laughed at wherever he went.

And I wrote one for National Poetry Day but it didn't have a place name in it.

It's National Poetry Day
And Owlbut would just like to say
There's a big competition,
The latest addition
On his website, dot co dot uk.
