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Back to the Drawing Projects
Drawing Projects

The main purpose of including these drawing projects is to give a chance to those with limited writing skills, or with English as a second or later language, to be a part of the site. They also give a fantastic opportunity for the children to use their natural creativity and, indeed, their own level of interpration.

The actual carrying out of these projects is fairly simple and is why I have not included teachers' notes with each individual project. Indeed, the end result may also be fairly simple. However, the actual finished piece of work can say a lot to a teacher or parent. I, and most likely you, are not trained child psychologists but we can draw inferences from work we may see and then alert the appropriate people. As an example, years ago when I did some of these projects, a teacher noticed one child had drawn a young person cowering under the hand of an adult. He referred the drawing to those in authority and, to cut a long story short, it was found that the child had been subject to abuse. So, these drawings may, and can, tell a story.

We will not upload any drawing projects nor links to schools sites showing these until January 2026. When this is done, it will be possible to compare the work of other children, in other locations around the world. One of the reasons that I am holding off showing these links for a year is to avoid any influence on the work, and ideas, being done. Obviously I can't avoid this for ever but I felt an influence-free year wasn't a bad thing.

Finally I have given you access to a PDF version of the instructions if you should wish to print these and give them to your child/children. That version does not include what to do when finished as that is up to you, the teacher.