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Mesolithic Calendar

It's been one thousand and seven hundred years since our last calendar date. We haven't got lazy and can't be bothered to add dates in. The simple reason is that very little has changed. Can you imagine if things hadn't really changed since Roman times because that was about one thousand and seven hundred years ago from today?

We are coming to the end of Mesolithic Age, the Middle Stone Age. Trees are continuing to grow but in some areas trees are being cut down to make space for people to have more permanent homes. More people are starting to stay longer in one place but change is still very slow. Those hunter gatherers are still around but, although Great Britain was an island, people are arriving in boats from Europe. These people had learned about something we know as farming. Farming started in Asia and merchants and travellers would have arrived in Southern Europe with stories of how people were living in other places.

It is likely that our island was one of the last places in Europe where farming began. The water between our island and Europe may have stopped information about this new way of life coming so quickly. Remember there were no phones, no newspapers. The only way to communicate, unless you could send smoke signals from your fires, was by meeting and talking. However the more people who arrived, the more the knowledge grew and this way of life began to take over.

New animals were introduced like cows, horses, chickens. This meant another problem because people were bringing animals across the water in fairly small boats. Farming meant people started to keep animals in enclosures instead of going out hunting them and, as the people stayed in one place, they could begin to grow food too. Life was beginning to change as we move into what we have called The Stone Age.

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