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In 1325 Isabella, Edward’s wife, left England, telling Edward she had to do some shopping in France or some silly excuse which he accepted. She had been annoyed that Edward II had re-instated a couple of his advisors who nobody liked. They were called the Despencers, father and son, Hugh and Hugh (you guessed, no imagination). In September 1326 Isabella returned with all her shopping. This included an army and a new lover called Roger Mortimer, who had been imprisoned by Edward on the advice of the Despencers but had escaped to France.

Edward’s supporters deserted him and he and the Despencers were captured. The Despencers were executed; father immediately, son a bit later. Edward abdicated, which means he gave up his throne, in favour of his son who was called Edward (honest) and therefore became Edward III. Roger and mummy then had Edward II imprisoned but they were afraid his supporters might free him and restore him as King. Roger and mummy kept moving him around to fool those supporters. Eventually he was sent to Berkeley Castle, which belonged to Roger's son-in-law, Thomas. A month later, Edward II died at the castle. No one knows exactly how he died but it was certainly very convenient for Roger and mummy. What's more some of Roger's friends suddenly fled the country. Guilty of something, perhaps?

Meanwhile Edward III, aged only 14, was playing with the new toys his mother had brought back from France, so mummy and Roger ruled for him. They spent loads of money and were very unpopular.

In 1330, when he was 17, and probably needed different toys, he led a revolt against mummy and Roger and declared himself ruler. The picture shows the King seizing Mortimer. He executed Roger, one of the charges against him being the murder of Edward II, and made mummy take early retirement at the age of 35.

She actually lived in luxury for the next 27 years so didn’t do badly, well not as badly as Mr Mortimer. Edward III, meanwhile, would then rule for 50 years.

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