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Back to the Bronze Age calendar

The Tudors

Here is a strange thing and maybe an answer to our earlier question about Stonehenge. Archaeologists believe that from about 1,140BC Stonehenge stopped being used as a meeting place. Why?

I have a theory and it relates to those 18 years with no sunshine. Suppose you have bought a subscription to BT Sport. You watch it for a while and then, for 18 years, they don’t broadcast anything. You wouldn’t be very happy, would you?

So, if Stonehenge was built as a gift to the sun, and the sun didn’t shine for 18 years, a sun that was vital for your crops, you might decide it was a bit of a dead loss worshipping the sun and find other gods, like water. Even when the sun re-appeared you might not trust it and so that could be why Stonehenge stopped being a place where Bronze Age people would meet and celebrate. What do you think?

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