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The Romans were now having trouble back home in Rome. We’ve already seen how difficult it was to defend such an gigantic empire and when attacks started the Roman army was needed. The attackers were tribes of people known as Huns, Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Vandals. This is probably where the term gothic comes from and also the Vandals destroyed everything when they attacked, hence to vandalise something meaning to destroy.

The Goths came from Scandinavia originally, and the Ostrogoths and Visigoths were branches of that nomadic tribe. A nomad is someone who has no fixed home but wanders around, making bases in different places for various amounts of time, bit like me and Owlbut soon. The Huns came from much farther away. They were again a nomadic tribe who had their origin in Mongolia (atlas time). They were perhaps the fiercest of all. Their most famous leader was called Attila. Finally the Vandals were another wandering tribe from around what is now Germany.

All these wandering tribes were now wandering toward Rome, probably all dressed in black and wandering with a certain amount of menace. Many soldiers were withdrawn from Britain to help defend against these attackers and now there were not enough soldiers left to defend Britain.

Forward to 410AD