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Our weekly blog moves to a Friday this year but once again it will, hopefully, give you a little insight into who we are, how we think and what we're doing.

Friday 17 January 2025.
Richard writes

We've done it. School of the Air has begun and the first week is now all on our website, obviously in the School of the Air section. Producing the first of anything is always the hardest part and that has been true with these videos.

First you have to decide the format, then design all the little integral parts and finally film and edit the video, not really knowing if it will all fit together satisfactorily. We made a couple of pilots just for us but this was the real thing.

I can reveal here that I am obviously not happy with what we've done. I should clarify that by adding that as a perfectionist I am never happy with anything I do, apart from being alive each day which, so far, seems to be going as well as it could. Having said all that, I am genuinely pleased with what we have uploaded, delighted with some of the comments we have had and happy in the knowledge that we can get better and it will become easier.

Overall it's been a tough week; one when I wonder why I keep doing this and then hear those comments and answer that question with alacrity (book, Molly, maybe). Besides, what else could I do but vegetate and become a hermit. Molly has not been at her best this week, joining the many with this winter flu and Lola has had a few sniffles too.

But, it's Friday, the weekend lies ahead and then we're off again. I hope you will join us as we travel to Essex, join Pip the Pixie in some shivery weather, enjoy the first (ooops that won't be so easy) of our historical have a goes in times gone by and get busy making some bird feeders for our feathered friends. Now what. Well, dark room, lie down and soothing music come to mind. If only my mind and body were connected in some way.

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