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Back to Class or Group Projects
Teachers' notes, full instructions and outcomes (opens in new window)
Our Laws
Who Can Do It

This project needs to be done by a class or group of students, we would suggest in the age range 11 - 13. It is recommended that there are a minimum of 10 people in the group.

What You'll Need

Pens, paper and a word processing package. A computer is almost essential for research although, if available, books can also be used.

How To Do It

The instructions for how to do this project can be found in the link in the left hand corner of this page. They are intended for teachers.

When You've Finished

We are asking schools to set up a special part of their school website called Owlbut's World of Learning and all work done by pupils should be uploaded there. Each project, if you decide to do more than one, should have a separate section. That would be owlingly good. We will start uploading the links in September 2025. The links for this project will be accessed from this page. Send the link to