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Back to the Stone Age calendar

The Tudors

You will have noticed lots of “abouts” in these first few pieces. Nobody can be sure of actual dates because nobody could write and there were no records kept. Most of the information we have comes from those archaeologists we mentioned in the Mesolithic timeline. As we said, these archaeologists will dig up sites of interest to find articles buried below ground. Some objects, like metal and stone, will last a long time but wood rots quite quickly. The people who returned to Great Britain after the ice age didn’t, at first, have much in the way of metal and much of their past, their heritage, was connected to wooden objects and animal skins.

We do know that about this time people stopped eating with their fingers, holding their food, and they now had plates and cups or beakers. At first these were simple things made from clay but, as the years went on and the people had more time, patterns began to appear on the cups, especially round the rim. It may be that they wanted to have something pretty in their own homes or it may be that these were items they were trading and the better they looked the more grain, sheep or whatever they could get for them. The beakers in the picture were found in a burial site in Cambridge.

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