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The Tudors

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As settlements grew into small villages, jobs became more fixed. Some people would work in the fields, plant and harvest the crops while other men would mine for flint and later for tin. Initially the miners would tunnel into rocks using antlers as picks, having obviously removed the deer from the other end first. As more and more tin was needed, mines would go deeper and deeper. Both flint and stone axes were used as well as the antlers. Men would also look after the animals, both those needed for food and those needed to help in the fields by pulling ploughs. During this period people began to tame horses and ride them. This meant they could move around far quicker. About 1,000BC people began to attach carts with wooden wheels to the horses. There was also a great need for craftsmen to work with the bronze. Working with bronze also meant that our Bronze Age man had to learn to control fire. A sort of class system began to evolve. Many villages had a chief who would have organised and carried out the trading while those people lower in society would work underground in the mines. Some people became more important than others. Women and girls would have spun wool for clothes and done the cooking and cleaning. Young boys would have helped their fathers so, usually, they would then follow them into that job. Except for those involved in trading, everyone would work in and around the village.

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