LATEST NEWS - 2024 (scroll down for earlier news)
14 February 2025.
It was Thursday yesterday and I'm prepared to bet today is Friday and that means
the blog is here giving
you the usual update on our thoughts, plans and ideas. Meanwhile
Music Makes Pictures, hopefully gets
you thinking but in a lyrical sort of way.
13 February 2025.
Molly's out again this week showing you how to make Elder Bead Worms, taking you on a bit of a bug hunt and showing off her musical skills. Watch and listen
12 February 2025.
Another chance to eat with our European neighbours and this time we're eating with Swedes, not suedes, but Swedes. Find it
11 February 2025.
This week Pip's been busy with his paint brush helping out his bird friends. Listen to Molly tell you all about it
10 February 2025.
We're taking you to Eton (posh), Royal Ascot (posh), Point Royal Flats (you judge) and they are all in
7 February 2025 - again.
This week's Music Makes Pictures was inspired by something Molly wrote in her blog. You can find out how
on this page.
7 February 2025.
A new blog can be found
here and this week
Molly shares her thoughts and feelings at this time of year
6 February 2025.
Molly's in her cabin this week showing you various ways of making bird pictures. You can see how
5 February 2025.
An extra blog following on from the Friday blog and acting on your advice. Check what our decision is
by reading this
4 February 2025.
There's a new story about Pip the Pixie and he meets some birds who need his help. Molly tells you all about it
3 February 2025.
Just another manic Monday in ....... Buckinghamshire. Climb a beacon, visit a service station, solve a code; it's all
31 January 2025.
Friday arrives again and so does
the blog and a new
Music Makes Pictures which is
here. We are asking
your advice in the blog. Look forward to hearing from you.
30 January 2025.
Molly's been out in the cold this week and she shows you how to make some ice paintings. Wrap up warm and watch it
29 January 2025.
Our tasty journey takes us to Spain this time. Three dishes this week. Find them
28 January 2025.
As promised, Owlbutcast returns with a look ahead as to what might be in the news this year. Check it out
28 January 2025.
Time to join Molly in her den for another story about Pip. You can listen to it
27 January 2025.
Our journey now takes us to Hertfordshire. The video is
24 January 2025.
Two for one again, well there's a weekend to get through. There is a new Music Makes Pictures upload, with a twist or possibly
an assault on your eardrums, found
here, and Molly has written this week's blog and can
be found
here, the blog not Molly. Word of warning, Owlbutcast will be re-inaugurated this Tuesday.
Could this lead to a flurry of executive orders.
23 January 2025.
Our second Making with Molly video and this week she shows you how to make some bird feeders just a few days before the RSPB Garden Birdwatch.
Aren't we topical? You can watch it
21 January 2025.
Time for another story with Molly. Be prepared to shiver. The latest weather forecast says snow is coming so you may all be in for "Shivery Weather".
Read about Pip the Pixie's
here. Molly tells you from the warmth of
cosy den.
20 January 2025
Our second Monday video is now on site and it's
here. Join us on a
journey through Essex. We all know it's the only way.
17 January 2025.
It's double points Friday, sort of I suppose. In other words you have another in the Music Makes Pictures series, found
here, and the
return of our weekly blog, unearthed like a luxurious sauna in Pompeii,
Got to be topical. Word of warning, Owlbutcast will be re-inaugurated on Monday.
16 January 2025.
Down in the forest and Molly shows you how to make a squirrel feeding station. It's all
15 January 2025.
We're in France and cooking up a couple of simple French dishes. C'est bon et c'est
ici o, if you prefer, it's good and it's
14 January 2025.
It's story time today with Molly. Sit back and listen and watch for some pictures. The story is all about squirrels. You can find it
here and see Molly (and Owlbut and Colin) in the little den Molly made.
13 January 2025.
It's here. We've officially launched Owlbut's School of he Air. Our first Monday video is now on site
here. It's been an amazing
amount of hard work and planning. Both of us are really proud of what we have achieved and even prouder and excited by what
is to come this year and into the future. As the song in our Monday intro says, “Join in the journey” whether you are a
home educator, for whom these videos are specifically designed or a teacher in a school. We look forward to having you with us.
10 January 2025.
Only three days till the School of the Air begins. Can you wait? To help you we've uploaded the second in our "Music Makes Pictures" series.
Check it out
3 January 2025.
Happy New Year. We're back for our most exciting year yet. Not too difficult for Lola but Richard has 76 other ones to choose from.
Today we upload the first in our "Music Makes Pictures" series which, later this year, we want you to help grow. Our first offering
can be found
27 December 2024.
Our December education podcast is
My apologies as it was supposed to be uploaded on Christmas Eve but I have suffered four power cuts in four days over the festive period and that played havoc with both editing and uploading.
Better late then never.