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I am not very old but in my little life I have seen quite a few changes in fashion among you humans. Richard, who is over 60 years older than me, says he has seen enormous changes. The picture is him dressed as a four year old which, luckily he was at the time. Do four year olds dress like that now. He also says that very, very few people wore jeans when he was a child; no one wore trainers and very few females were seen wearing trousers. I'm telling you this because it seems to me that in the last 300 years that we have been looking at, maybe even longer, there has been hardly any great difference in the way people dress. Most clothes were made at home, certainly for the poor although that is beginning to change. There are so many differences between these olden times and now but I think the one that has amazed me the most is how quickly clothes and fashion changes nowadays and how slow any change was to happen in the past. If you want to know what people were wearing about this time then go back and read the last hoot. Let's hope things change soon. Oh, and for all this period, clothes would be kept in a chest. There was no such thing as a wardrobe. And if you ever hear the word garderobe, don't think this was an old-fashioned wardrobe. It was actually the toilet usually built into the wall of a building. It was just a chute which went outside the castle or house.

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