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In Viking society the kingdoms were ruled by kings. Next in line was the noble or jarl. Chiefs would lead clans within a kingdom. Those people who weren’t full-time warriors were known as karls, or freemen and they would work on the land, fish or were the expert craftsmen. Finally came the thrall or slave. People lived in small communities. Once the Vikings conquered somewhere they would build their own villages and the centre of everything was the great hall, where the jarl or chief would live and where meetings and feasts took place. Daily life for a Viking family was all work. The women and young girls would work around the house. The women would grind the corn or wheat into flour to make the bread that was such an important part of their diet. It was very physical work. Men and boys who were not warriors would either work in the fields sowing, planting, tending and harvesting or as craftsmen such as blacksmiths making the tools used in the fields and in the homes or making the elaborate brooches and jewellery everyone so liked. The Vikings were very clean people. Their word for Saturday was lordag and it actually means washday. Vikings would wash every Saturday. By the way you were lucky if an Anglo-Saxon washed more than twice a year. However the Vikings had an unusual method of washing. They would pour water over very hot stones and sit in the steam. Then they would hit their bodies with twigs to loosen the dirt and jump into cold water. I so want to watch Richard show you this when we make our videos. You humans are funny.

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